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free - Threats have been made during the night by parties in front of my door - that if the colored people should make any demonstration of any kind on that day they would be severely dealt with- 

Will you please inform me what I shall do - shall I instruct the colored people to make no demonstration of any kind on that day? or shall I allow them to act as they may see fit in the matter -

I would be indeed happy if you could come up here for a few days and see for yourself the condition of things at this place

If things continue to grow worse as it seems they will I will be obliged to call for troops, and if the cadets at the Institute are allowed to have arms I think there would be trouble even with troops here -

I am Major Your
Obdt Servant
G B Carse
Bt Major &c &c

Transcription Notes:
the signature could be Case or Carle. it's Carse