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Lexington, Va. March 19, 1866.
Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. A. Bu. R.F. & A.L.

Major W. Storer How

I beg leave to call your attention to the fact that about one oclock a.m on Saturday morning I was awakened from my sleep by a noise near my office; I found it to be a party of young men whom I presume are connected with either the College or the Institute at this place.
As they drew near, I heard them shout, "Wake you God-damned Freedmen's Bureau, Wake you Yankee son of a bitch." I arose from my bed and went to the door, opened it and stood on the door step for some minutes when the gentlemen(?) left I returned to my bed, but in a few minutes they returned and I heard one of them propose to come in and take me out. They knocked on my door and window, and I called to them to know what was wanted, but the only answer I received was their curses and epithets of the most vile and vulgar character. I again