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Head Quarters B R.F & A.L.
Woodstock Va March 30th 1866
Lt. Col. Garrick. Mallery.
In reply to your favor of March 26th I have the honor respectfully to report that in "regard to the outrages on Teachers of Freedmen" I immediatley reported the fact to Capt. W.S. How, asking for a squad of cavalry to arrest the parties concerned.

In the case of firing at discharged Union Soldiers -Ref.- as I was at the time in command of the Troops stationed here I sent a squad to search for Arms in the houses near. The young man suspected no one and though diligent enquiry was made by me no light has yet been thrown on the matter

I am Col Very Respy
Your Obt Servant
J.T.H. Hall
Lt & Asst. Supt. Sub Dist. "C"

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-08-08 16:47:28