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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Sixth District Va
Winchester Va April 10th 1866

Col. O. Brown, Asst Comr
Richmond Va

I have respectfully to state that Bureau affairs in the upper portion of this District need my personal attention, and that in consequence I start today on a tour through the several Sub Districts, desiring that any communication by mail or telegraph requiring my immediate attention may be addressed to me at Staunton Va until my return to this place which will probably be about the 25th day of April —

Hoping this action may meet your approval

I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
W. Storer How
Bt Maj AQM & Supt

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of the previous page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-09 19:19:37