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and is well qualified to support his family.

This man Leary has been applied to before to disclose the whereabouts of this woman & her children but has refused to do so.  The crime is an offense against the law, but with the predjudices existing where the parties would have to be tried, we could not expect to obtain Justice.  We hope you will not dismiss the case until this Colored man is heard by his own testimony & in your presence:  he is like all of his race, incapacitated, for the want of business knowledge, to pursue these men to Justice alone - hence, we hope you will use the Military power so wisely provided, to force this man Leary and his accomplices to reveal what they may know of this woman & her children - if we can ascertain where she is to be found she can be restored to freedom and her home.  As our letter to the General indicates - we ask that Leary & Richardson (one or both as you deem Just) be compelled to pay to this colored man Alinsworth his expenses, & such damages as your Judgment may award, he has already been at expenses to the amount of $60- or $70-, & the return of his wife & family may cost him an hundred dollar more, if he