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is compelled to be at the expense of sending some one to a distant state to hunt them up - We ask that you will take into consideration, also, the offense of depriving him of his family, which by right of President Lincolns proclamation, he ought to have been permitted to enjoy.  In our conversation with this man Alinsworth he expressed a hope, that you would send for him, & that you would have Leary and Richardson present that he might identify them, he says the man who sold his wife is named James Madison Leary, & that he knows him well.

If necessary we will bring Alinsworth up - in anywise, we desire that you do not dismiss the case until testimony can be produced before you in behalf of the petitioner.

Hopeing that you will inform us of your success at an early day - we have the honor to remain most respectfully,

Your obdt. Servts,
Blackburn & Haldeman
Sols, for Petr.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-09 18:38:13 Haldeman per printed business card on page 120