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A coloured man named Elias Charles was about four months ago tried before Col McEntee, then Provost Judge, upon the charge of insulting his wife, and by him sent to Fort Calhoun, and there confined, where he still is

Elias Charles is a man of good character and but for his wife who is notoriously a strumpet he would never been sent to prison.  Upon her representations which we believe were false she had him sent from his home, and confined in the [[Ripraps?]]

He has been there [[strikethrough]] more for [[/strikethrough]] four months and we the undersigned, petition you as Comd General of this district to grant to the said Charles a pardon and give an order to release him so that he can come home and attend to his business

Robbert, Leonard
Lowes, Scott   
Hinton Minston
Nelson Tucker
William Harison
Watson Jones
Lucious Strain

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-09 13:48:53