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H. 218. R.F. &.A.L. Va.3d Vol.1866
Richmond Va
Aug 7th 1866
Hudnall H.
Counsel for Creed Thomas
et. al.
States that petitioners are the children and heirs at law of the late Benajah Thomas of Richmond Va. and that they are jointly interested in a house and lot at the S.W. corner of 8th and Broad Sts in Richmond which is part of the est of said Thomas - that for a period of about 10 years said had been leased by the admin of said est to Jas Ratcliffe whose lease was to expire on or about June/65 - that in 1864 said Ratcliffe without consent of admin or heirs subleted house to Mid. Dept. Of Confed. States that said admin. endeavored to prevent said lease but could not do so and said house remained in possession of Confed. Govt. until April 3/65 when it was taken possession of by U.S. forces and used 1st as a Commiss’y depot and then as a Dispensary by the Freedmans Bureau which still has possession (over).  

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