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The property in question is very valuable, being situated centrally and at one of the finest business corners in the city, the street floor consisting of a large store-room sixty-five feet deep, and there are five large rooms above, with all necessary appurtenances and appendages attached to the said building.  Having been out of the control of the Administrator for a long time, it is now in need of some repairs from want of proper care; yet it could be rented as it is for from $1500 to $1800 per annum.  During the past twelve months, the Administrator could readily have obtained $200 per month for it.

If it is desired by the military authorities to continue to use the said building for its present purpose, your petitioners would be perfectly willing for them to do so, on such terms as may be agreed upon between the parties.  All your petitioners ask is, that their interest in the property may be recognized; that proper and adequate compensation may be allowed them for the use of the said property, together with all proper and fair allowances for damage thereto, since it has been in the occupation of the military authorities of the United States; and that if its further use is not desired by the Agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, it may be restored as herein before respectfully requested.

And your petitioners will ever pray &c.

H. Hudnall, Counsel
for Petitioners.