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consisting of a small overseers house and some half a dozen servants houses and barns and other outhouses.  After the object had been attained for which the military had occupied the said farm, they wholely abandoned the occupancy of the fortifications on said farm, and the same remained wholely unoccupied and uncultivated until some time in the spring and summer of 1864, when it was again reoccupied by the military forces of the United States for a short time.  During the period it was occupied by the military, it was totally out of the power of your Petitioners or their agents to occupy said farm, and it continued to be [[strikethrough]] occupied [[/strikethrough]] unoccupied by any person whatver, until shortly after the fall of the City of Richmond, when a number of Freedmen with their families consisting of some twenty odd persons moved into the unoccupied houses of "Moorefield" and have continued to remain there without any visible means of support and have wholely destroyed the enclosures around the house and garden, stripped the barns and stables of their weather-boarding and roofing and have totally destroyed some of the smaller outhouses besides committing other depredations upon the fencing and young trees.  Your