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[[stamp 1]] STATE BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. *** RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER OCT 30 1866 [[/stamp 1]]


I, do hereby certify that the facts stated in the within petition relating to the case brought before me as Mayor of Lexington are true as also are those relating to the Cause brought into the County Court of which I am Clerk. 
James K. Comondior, Mayor 

[[stamp 2]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. *** RECD HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER OCT 10 1866 [[/stamp 2]]

H. 228. R.F.&A.L. Va. 4th V. 1866
Lexington Va Oct 5th/66

Holley James (Col'd) 

Makes statements in relation to the difficulties between himself and Col G.B. Carse Asst Supt &c. and states that Col Carse tried to retain possession of his (Hollys) house, when he (Carse) could obtain, without difficulty, board and lodgings elsewhere, in a white family of the town. 
Encloses two affidavits and prays that his rights may be protected by the Military, as well as civil authorities. 

(2 Enclosures)

[[stamp 3]] HEAD QUARTERS, DEPT. OF [[?]] RECEIVED OCT. 30 1866. [[/stamp 3]] 

Bureau of RF & AL 
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Dept Potoc
Richmond Va Oct 10th/66

Respectfully returned to Mr James Holley with the request that he will report in what places and on what terms Col G.B. Carse can be furnished with a suitable office and quarters. 
These papers to be returned
By order of 
Maj Genl Schofield 
Assst Com'r 
O Brown 

3 V 66

Lexington Va. Oct 27, 1866

Respectfully returned to Maj. Gen. Schofield & attention invited to the certificate of Robt. Beeton, white citizen, showing that he offered to rent rooms to Col. Carse & to board him & his family at the rates prevailing here before petitioner regained possession of his house by legal process. The rooms of Beeton are within two minutes walk of the office of petitioner occupied by Col. Carse & which 

the latter is at perfect liberty to retain at the stipulated rent. They are also more convenient to the control & business part of the town & the building of which they form part is new comfortable & neat. 
Petitioner however, begs the privilege of saying that the question of Col. Carse's ability or inability to procure other quarters can have nothing to do with petitioner's legal rights under the process of the Civil Courts he has recovered his house & now only asks it to be determined whether the officer of the Freedman's Bureau can threaten the life of a freedman or free man of color & be protected in refusing to give the ordinary security against further violence, required by the laws of Va. in such cases. 
Attention also respectfully invited to the affidavit of Melton Johnson, freedman, stating that he carried a message from Beeton to Col. Carse & a reply from the latter to the former. 
