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In the name of God amen, I David Pierce of the Borough of Norfolk and State of Virginia being in a weak state of body, but in a sound state of mind do hereby make constitute and declare this my last Will and Testament in the manner form and words following to wit,
Item the 1th I lend to my well beloved wife Sarah Pierce during her lifetime my house and lot I now occupy, also a house and lot on Church street now occupied by Wm Babington, also all my household and kitchen furniture excepting two beds and furniture, also I lend to my well beloved wife Sarah Pierce the following negroes her lifetime to wit, negro man Cuffer Danial Lucy Dinah Lydia and Jenny and if my well beloved wife Sarah Pierce should have a child an issue of my body the aforesaid property at the death of my beloved wife I give and bequeath to the said child, and if the said child should die before it arrives at the years of maturity it is my desire that the property of the said child should revert to the surviving heirs Elizabeth and Rebecca Pierce.
Item 2d I lend to my beloved daughter Rebecca Pierce my house and lot on Free Mason and Beele streets and also len shares of U States Bank Stock, also the following negroes Mall Jim, Silah, Bill Sur, Charity and one bed and furniture during her lifetime and in case of her death to her next heir if an lawful issue of her body.
Item 3th I lend to my beloved daughter Elizabeth Pierce the house and lot adjoining the one loaned to my daughter Rebecca Pierce also ten shares of U States Bank stock with the following negroes Bill Sur Solomon and Willis and one