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Bureau R.F. and AL
H.Q. Asst. Comr. Dept Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov. 22. 66

Respectfully referred to Bv't Capt. S.B. Smith Asst Supt (thro' Bvt. Maj. Morse, Supt) who will instruct Mr. Hammerly in relation to the necessary steps for him to regain possession of his property - no certificate from the Clerk of the Court is required, as the property was libelled under the wrong name. Copy of Gen. O. No 19, Series 1865, H.Q. Asst. Comr. 
Enclosed -  Affidavit also required, that the applicant does not come within any of the classes excepted from the benefits of Presidents Johnson's "Amnesty Proclamation" of May 29th 1865.

By order of 
Bv't Maj Genl. Schofield
Asst Comr
O Brown

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Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-12 21:42:11