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being solemnly sworn, made oath as follows:-

That the tract of land named in the within application was libelled in the name of Arthur L. Rogers from whom he (said Hammerly) purchased the same: That he, the said Hammerly does not come within any of the exceptions of the Amnesty Proclamation of the President of the U.S of 29th May 1865, and that he verily believes that Arthur L. Rogers, does not. That, he the said Hammerly, took the oath prescribed in said proclamation in the year 1865, as he believes in the months of July or August of that year, and that he produced proof before the U.S. Court when the suit against said property was dismissed that Arthur L Rogers had also taken said oath.

Given under my hand this 28th day November 1866.

Chas. P. Janney C.C.