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To Bt. Brig Gen. O. Brown A.A.A.G.
Richmond Va

   The undersigned Jospeh S. Hart of Loudoun County in Virginia respectfully asks the restoration of a tract of land in sd [[said]] County, heretofore condemned in a suit  in the U.S. Dist Ct Easton Dist of Va in the name of the U.S. vs Joseph Hart, and subsequently turned over to the Freedmans Bureau.  Said land is described in the papers of sd suit as follows, to wit- 
"A piece or parcel of land above one half mile west of Morrisonville situate lying and being in the County of Loudoun in the Eastern District of Virginia and Bounded as follows. on the East by the land called the Whiteman Tract, on the North by the  Marsh farm, on the west by the Merchant farm and on the South by the Thos. White farm, containing [[strikeout]] about [[/strikeout]] Seventy five acre, more or less."
   The said suit has been dismissed and the costs paid as will be shown by the Certificate receipt of Wm N. Berry Clerk of sd Dist Ct herewith filed.
   The undersigned files the certificate of the clerk of the County Court of Loudoun, showing that he has in his own right no real Estate, He married Rachel Morrison a daughter of Edwd Morrison, by whom will this tract and others were devised to [[strikeout]] sd Rachel [[/strikeout]] his three childn sd Rachel, Charity and Joseph for life.
   The undersigned also file, a copy of the Amnesty Oath taken by him 11 Sept 65, tho he had also taken it prior to [[strikeout]] Jany [[/strikeout]] the dismissal of the suit.
   He asks the restoration either to himself or to Rachel his wife.
Joseph S. Hart
Jno M. Orr
Atty for Applicant
Leesburg Va
Apr 28 /66