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come into the possession of the officer during the year ending June 30, 1864.
4th. A statement of public moneys in the following form:
On hand July 1, 1863.........$
Received from officers during the year.....
Received from the Treasury Dept. during the year.
Received from sales of property and other sources during the year.......


Expended during the year........$
Transferred to other officers during the year.....
Remaining on hand June 30, 1864.......


The balance on hand is deposited as follows:

[Here state the depositories, and the amount in each.]

5th. A statement of the amounts paid for the railroad or other land transportation during the year; the amounts paid for transportation on the rivers and lakes, and separately for transportation by sail or steam vessels on the ocean; the total amount of transportation furnished; the quantity, in tons - actual or estimated - of subsistence, ordnance, and quartermaster's stores moved, and whether by land, river, lake, or sea, and in like manner the number of troops transported.
6th. The number of miles of railroads constructed, to and from what points; the number of miles of telegraph lines constructed, to and from what points; and all such information as may be of general interest to the Department. 
7th. A statement, made in accordance with the form "C," of all vessels chartered or employed during the year, in the following order, under the head of "kind of vessels," viz: ships, brigs, barks, schooners, sloops, steamers, propellers, steam-tugs, ferry-boats, tow-boats, and barges. 

VI..Any suggestions which the officer, from his experience in the department, may see fit to offer with regard to improvements in the personnel or administration of the Quartermaster's Department, improvements in the outfit of the troops, in their clothing, camp and garrison equipage, wagon or pack-trains. In this connection, the kind