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R. 41. RF. & A.L. Va. 2d. Vol. 1866-

Rosson John A

applies for restoration of certain Houses and lots situated in City of Norfolk Va

Restored by S.O. No 91. par 2
dated 1 June 1866.

Bureau R.F. & A. L.
Office Asst. Supt Norfolk Co.
Norfolk Av.  May 26/66.

Respectfully forwarded and attention called to enclosed papers.

John A. Rosson has received a pardon which I have seen, dated October 5th 1865.

The records of title having become somewhat complicated by changes in the family &c. a certificate of the U. S. Assessor is offered instead of Copy of Deeds, to which attention is called

WP., Austin
Capt V.R.C. & Asst. Supt.

E.B. v.2 - 14

Office Supt RF & AL,
1st Dist Va Norfolk Va
May 27th 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Brvt Brig Genl O Brown  This property described is not needed for Freedmen.
S S Flagg
Capt & Supt,

B.A. 3.13.