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time he had been in Brokenburoughs service

This the Magistrate agreed to and the colored boy was accordingly sent away with out his pay - And the son of Brokenburough the Magistrate did not think would be punished for his assault.  Young Brokenburough is the same boy who struck a colored girl in the street for singing

"Bring your slates and books along"
Dont be a fool
For Uncle Sam is rich enough to send us all to school - )

It is a common thing to hear rebel songs sang in the streets of this place by the cadets and students one of which is know among the rebels as -

"Farewell to the star spangled Banner"

The language of this song declares that the star spangled Banner shall no longer wave or the land of the Free -

This is no crime and I have been told that I could not stop it -

Yet the colored people must make no public demonstration of any kind to show their appreciation of their Freedom -

While these unwashed rebels seem to delight in showing by every possible act their hatred for the Fedral Government and every thing and every body pertaining thereto