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Sub. Dist E. comprises the Counties of Jefferson and Berkeley, West Virginia, Lieut. A.F. Higgs, V.R.C. Asst. Supt. with office at Harper's Ferry, Jefferson Co. Lieut Higgs has been in charge of the sub. district but a few weeks, but during that time has commenced the keeping of the records of his office, which had previously been kept with little care, in the most careful manner -  
1st The condition of the Freedmen's good except in Harper's Ferry, where many of them are dissolute and disinclined to steady labour - 
2. They can get partial justice before the civil courts, but not generally as full justice as white men - 
3d This sub. district, being in West Virginia does not come under the operation of Cir. No 11 - 
4th No provision has been made for the support of colored paupers - 
5th The supply of labor is less than the demand, and many people complain that they are unable to get labor - 
6th The sub. district is well provided with schools, which are in fine condition - 
Lieut Higgs during the short period of his administration, has evinced good judgment in his conduct of affairs, and being accustomed to staff duty, performs his office duties with great care and precision -