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only reason known for the treatment offered said prisoners by said Hall and Brooks, as none of the known prison rules were violated.

On the day that said George Smith died Mr F. Hall came to his cell about 8 A.M., and struck him a powerfull blow across the head with his hands, and with his clenched fist knocked him down, then kicked, stamped and struck him severely about the temple with the prison keys, or Padlock.

Said Smith was then heard to holler Murder twice, and then Mr F. Hall left him lying in a corner of the cell, and when he Hall returned about 2 P.M. the same day, he Smith was found curled up in a corner dead.

Some of the prisoners looked into the cell of said Smith during the day aforesaid, and seeing him lying motionless, believed he was dead, but being so much afraid to speak to Mr F. Hall they did not call his attention to it.

Said F. Hall on seeing Smith was dead remarked, "so he's gone at last the d–d son of a b–h".