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R.112. R.F. & A.L. Va. 4th Vol. 1866
Richmond Va
November. 3. 1866

Roche Thos. W.

L.R. page 194, Office Sup't 3d District

Reports the case of Tom Johnson (cold) who was arrested by the Civil Police under the following circumstances. Johnson had purchased a gun while returning home with it was attacked by a policeman who endeavor'd to take the gun from him, upon
his refusal to comply. was beaten by citizens and police assisted and sent to Jail. to remain until he paid a fine of $20.00 -

Office Supt 3d Dist. Rec'd Nov 13th 1866

Bureau R.F and AL
Office Supt 3d Dist Dept Potomac
Richmond Va Nov 17th/66

Respectfully returned to Bv't Brig Gen'l O. Brown A.A.A.G Bu. R.F and A Lands Dep't of Potomac, inviting attention to the endorsement of Bv't Capt. B.C. Cook Ass't Sup't 3d Dist.

James A. Bates
Capt 43d Infty and Sup't

E and M 170
