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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & AL
Head Quarters Asst Supt 8th Dist Dept Potomac
Wytheville Va Der 22nd 1866

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
I have the honor to report the number of animals, amount of forage purchased and persons employed, for the week ending on the 22nd of December 1866, as follows, (2) Two Mules have been reported by SC Gleason who claims that they were purchased before the surrender, in good condition and left in his hands, (2) two horses reported by J Betterton in my possession one unsound injured in the shoulder, the other one in apparent good condition, Betterton claims that these horses were purchased and paid for and that the papers have been lost, but that the fact can be proven, have employed one hand to attend to the horses, at (60) sixty cents per day