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Bureau R.F and A.L.
Office Supt 2d Dist
Petersburg Va Sept 12/66

Genl. O. Brown
A.A.A. Genl.
Bureau R.F and AL
Richmond Va.

I have the honor to enclose herewith a communication from Lt. Cullen of Mecklenburg Co. requesting less arduous duties. I would respectfully suggest that you endeavor to find him a position outside of this District requiring less equestrian and other arduous duties, assigning another officer to his Sub-Dist.

If you cannot, how would it do for me to assign him to the Sub-Dist of Bvt Lt. Colonel Jordan who has three counties; Lt. Cullen of course being subordinate and doing what he can without suffering

Very Rspty
Your Obt Svt.
J. R. Stone
Bvt. Maj and Supt 2d Dist 

{One Enclosure)

Transcription Notes:
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