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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Head Quarters asst Supt 8th Dist of Va
Abingdon Va Sept 14th 1866.

Geo P Sherwood
Capt V.R.C.
& Supt 8th Dist of Va.


I have the honor herewith to apply for a leave of Absence of Twenty days to visite Philadelphia, for the purpose of having a Surgical opporation performed upon me. I am suffering from the effects of a gunshot wound of the right brest and Shoulder, which has caused a large absess to geather and break latly on my brest, it is still running, and causes me much pain and, general debility, which is increased by loose pieces of bones that are making their way to the Surfice and requires a Surgical opporation before I am relieved of pain and restored to health.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
John O. O'Neill
Capt V.R.C. & Asst Supt 8th Dist of Va.          

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