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Halifax County
Lieut. Geo. R. Buffum.

1st- The condition of freedmen is encouraging and improving; there seems to be a better feeling toward the negro than in other Counties

2nd- The prospect of justice to the colored man is more encouraging in this than in other counties; if I am not mistaken there is a higher tone of feeling among the whites.

3rd-. The Registry of Marriages is being rapidly made up.

4th.- The civil authorities will care for the indigent freedmen and have ample means to do so.

5th.- The supply of labor is about equal with the demand.

6th- There is one small School kept by a truly useful clergymen; he wants, books and repairs of house. Other Schools are in demand

Sussex and Surry Counties
Captain. J W. Sharp.

1st.- The general condition of the freedmen, not encouraging; the crops are short and hunger is anticipated; the antipathy to the negro in these Counties as in others in that direction outside of the Dist., is very strong, and for that reason

2nd- There is not a cheering prospect for justice to the blackman

3rd.- The Registry of Marriages is progressing.

4th.- A tax for the support of the indigent freedmen is being

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