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This Indenture made the ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three between John McPhail and Mary his wife, John Wilson and Penelope his wife and Margaret Wilson of the one part and Charles H Shield Executor of the last Will and Testament of Robert Shield deceased of the other part.  Whereas at a Circuit Superior Court of law and chancery held for York County on the 2rd day of November 1843 in the Suit of Charles H Shield Executor of Robert Shield deceased plaintiff and Martha Shield widow of said Robert Shield and Martha M Shield, Elizabeth Ann, Roberta Virginia, and Lucy Rebecca Shield Defendants, it was adjudged ordered and decreed that the said Charles H Shield Executor of Robert Shield deceased as aforesaid should purchase a house and lot in the Borough of Norfolk suitable for the family of his said Testator and such as he should think the circumstances of the Estate would justify, and that he should pay for the same out of funds of the Estate and take a deed for the same to himself as Executor as aforesaid and that the same should pass at the death of the widow of the said Robert Shield according to the Will of the said Robert Shield, And whereas in pursuance of the said decree the said Charles H Shield as Executor as aforesaid hath this day purchased of the said John McPhail and wife, John Wilson and wife Margaret Wilson all that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Borough of Norfolk aforesaid, bounded as follows to wit; Beginning at the intersection of Mason and Boush Streets and running from thence Eastwardly along Mason Street Ninety two and a half feet to a Stone, from thence Southwardly parallel to Boush Street fifty four and a half feet to a Stone, from thence Westwardly parallel with Mason Street Ninetytwo and a half feet to Boush Street and from thence Northwardly along Boush  Street fifty four and a half feet to the beginning with all and singular the tenements Hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging for the sum of two thousand dollars.

Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said John McPhail and Mary his wife, John Wilson and Penelope his wife and Margaret Wilson for and in consideration of the sum of two thousand dollars to them in hand paid by the said Charles H Shield Executor of Robert Shield deceased as aforesaid, at and before the sealing and delivery of those presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained and sold