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In the name of God, Amen I Robert Shield of the County of York and State of Virginia being in good mind but knowing how uncertain life is, do make constitute and intend this as and for my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, viz;

Item_ my wish and desire is that my funeral expenses be first paid by my Executors hereafter named

Item_ my desire is that no public Sale Shall be made of my Estate either Real or Personal in exposing my effects or inferring the feeling of my Family or friends in being thus exposed.

Item My Will and desire is that my beloved Wife Martha shall have and enjoy the whole of my Estate both Real and personal for the support of herself and four children (and the education of the three youngest particularly) but at her death or second marriage should she be so disposed to do, I then wish my Estate to be appraised and devided as follows between my children, This bequest is to be taken and held in lieu of Dower

Item_ I wish my Slaves devided into four parts by Competent Commissioners and one fourth part given to each, to Mary C H Shield one fourth, to Martha Maria Shield one fourth part, to Elizabeth Ann Shield One fourth part and to Robinette Virginia Shield one other fourth part to them and their Heirs forever.

Item_ My Will and desire is that my Executors, after the death or marriage of my beloved wife Martha, sell privately, provided they get a fair price, all my Real Estate, Collect all debts due to me by Bonds, Accounts or otherwise.

Item_ My Will and desire is that my dear little Baby Robinette Virginia Shield receive four hundred dollars more than Mary C Shield, She having had more than that sum expended upon her;