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At this time I was not aware that Geo. had shown the pants to any person. I told Brent the price, was unreasonable, exorbitant & could not be allowed. He contended the price was fair, & fineally agreed to leave it to a man with whom Geo. was living to say what sum would be just. This man of his own selection said He would not have given over $3- for them, but they might be worth $3.50. Beaten at his own game, he tried to bring in some old traps which he had given Geo, previous to the judgment being given & which were brot to the notice of the Court, thus clearly indicating his intention to swindle the poor Negro.- I could not get Brent to any settlement.

By as respectable Citizens, as there are in this County Geo, established a character, for honesty, industry & respectability. Brent's wife told me he was the most faithful servant she ever had, & that Geo. was the only one she parted with, with feelings of regret at the seperation.

Brent is a rich man, & holds two U.S. horses & has lost none by the raid. Now then in view of these facts - that Geo. has served this man faithfully as a slave for 30 years, that he is now nearly 70 years old, that he worked a year & proved that he earned as much as any hand Brent had, & was only allowed the pitance of $20- for his services & Brent is trying to cheat him out of that,- & toget[[her]] which Geo. has lost over a week's time, I respectfully ask, that I be allowed to take those horses from Brent & transfer them to some one who will pay the balance due Geo, & allow him a fair compensation for the horses, so long as allowed to hold them