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Office Asst. Supt. Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c
Sub Dist of Brunswick & Greenville Cos. Va.
Lawrenceville Va. Dec. 12, 1866

Bvt. Maj. J.R. Stone
Supt 2d Dist F.B.
Petersburg Va.


I have the honor to submit the following statement of a case of extreme injustice heaped upon a freedmen in a judgement rendered by a Justice Peace of Brunswick Co. Va.

One George W. Johnson of Brunswick Co. warranted Edmond Gillum, colored, for the recovery of a fine imposed by Par II of an act passed by the Assembly of Virginia Feb 20th 1866 regulating contracts between white & colored persons.  The case was brought before Samuel K. Lucy J.P. in said county who without hesitation rendered judgment against the Deft. The said Edmond Gillum, colored, then came to this office in regard to the case, which was the first knowledge I had received of the matter, and stated the facts & circumstances in the case, which we hereinafter set forth.  I immediately wrote to Mr. Lucy the Justice

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