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of the Peace before whom the case was tried, asking for a new trial and stating my reasons therefor, which are also hereinafter mentioned.  At the same time telling said Edmond Gillum, colored, to let me know when & where the new trial would occur, in the event such should be granted by Mr Saml' K. Lucy Brunswick J. P.  A new trial was allowed, but intentionally or otherwise said Edmond Gillum, colored, was not notified to appear until the day of the trial, and according to my instructions to him to inform me when the trial was to take place, he came to this office instead of going to the trial, and the result was that neither he (Edmond) or myself were able to attend the trial, and the decision was not changed from the first.
What little property Edmond Gillum colored has, has now been levied upon & is about to be sold to satisfy this judgt with its costs.
The facts in the premises are as follows. The above named Geo W. Johnson had hired one George Washington, colored, for the year, but had never complied with the requirements of the Bureau [[over]] the first paragraph of state law above referred to, in regard to having written & notified contracts, and hence he could not be entitled to any of the benefits of the second par. of said law; there being nothing but a verbal agreement between the partners, and furthermore whatever contract there may have existed