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between Mr Johnson & the said Geo Washington cold, had been virtually annulled by me previous to the time of the alleged offense. He (George Washington) had been at this office several times with the complaint that Mr Johnson did not feed him enough. I then sent for said Johnson who acknowledged before me that he had been allowing him (George) only meat at the rate of fifty (50) lbs per year (not enough for four months) & then gave him (Johnson) instructions in the matter & told the said Geo Washington, cold, that if Mr Johnson again failed to feed him properly to quit him & work where he could get fed and that I would see to his pay from Johnson. Not long after this he (George Washington cold) again came to this office with the same complaint, saying that Mr Johnson not feed him any better than before, I then told him to leave the service of Mr Johnson & work elsewhere. Upon this he did leave Mr Johnson & "worked about", and among different places he worked for the said Edmond Gillum, colored, simply one half day to pay him for the use of a farming tool that he then borrowed of Edmond, and upon this flimsy pretext Mr Johnson brought a warrent against him (Edmond) for the purpose above stated, when he (Johnson) had not the slightest claim upon the services of said Geo Washington cold. These facts I stated to Mr Lucy J.P. when I requested for Edmond Gillum, cold, a new trial. Furthermore at the first civil trial Edmond testified before Mr Lucy the Justice