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that he never knew the said George Washington, colored, previous to his working for him, and that he knew nothing of his being or ever having been in the service of Mr Johnson. The law upon which Mr Lucy V.P. rendered his decission, however, specifies very plainly that a person must "entice away, knowingly &c" to be liable to the fine following; yet all this had no effect upon the judgement rendered.  After the second trial, I again wrote to Mr Samuel K. Lucy the magistrate before whom the case was tried stating all the facts in the matter as above set forth and requesting him to reconsider his decission with a view of setting it aside, before the execution should be carried into effect, [[strike through]] which communication [[/strike through]] saying at the same time that I believed he must be laboring under some wrong impressions or his judgement would have been otherwise, which communication, however, he has treated with perfect contempt, and given me no reply whatever.

In reporting this matter, which I have done at a great length to give particulars, I respectfully ask for some stringent orders in the premises.  The whole case from the beginning is one of the grossest outrages upon a poor freedmen and without the slightest shadow of justice.

Very Respectfully
your obedt. servt.
F. M. Kimball Lt. & Asst. Supt. 

Transcription Notes:
decission = decision ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-13 12:35:05