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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., Decbr 22d 1866.

General O. Brown
A.A. Adj. Genl
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Richmond Va

I have the honor to inform you that Lt. Cullen writes me from Hamilton Ohio that he had resigned his commission, although through what channel he tendered his resignation or its acceptance was forwarded I am at a loss to know.

I respectfully ask in view of his purpose not to return to my District, resignations being now uniformly accepted, that an office or agent be at once sent to Mecklenburg Co. to take charge of the public property there, including one horse for which I am responsible

Very Respectfully 
You Obt Svt
J R Stone
Bvt Major and Superintendent 
Bureau R F & A.L.

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