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Virginia: City of Portsmouth to wit:
   I Dempsey Nash Clerk of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, do certify that a certain lot of land with  its appurtenances situate in the City of Portsmouth and bounded as follows.  Commencing at the Nort East intersection of Green and County Streets, and running East on County Street one hundred and twenty feet, thence West one hundred and twenty feet to Green Street thence South along Green Street twenty eight feet three inches to the beginning is the property of John H. Thompson and that it was not valued in 1860 at twenty thousand dollars.
   In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court this 18th day of July 1866 in the 91st year of the Commonwealth.
Dempsey C. Nash

Transcription Notes:
Court of Hustings: A court in England that had the power to hear cases about property and other legal matters.