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farm, then and now, occupied by F Bureau, and he left me under the impression that he would effect that removal, though he did not positively engage to do so. - That interview occurred on the 7th or 8th of November 1865. I have since heard that on the next day he reported to Washington, urging the retention of the farm.

However that may be, from that period the farm has been held, without any lease, or any question of compensation agreed or even mentioned to me, and I can gain no information as to the time for restoration.

The robbery of my wood has been going on during all this time; I had obtained an order in October last, to stop the cutting and sawing of my timber, but it was disregarded, and when I told Col Brown, in November, that it was still going on, he professed great surprize, and, in my presence, sent a positive order, by telegraph, to Capt Flagg, (agt. at Norfolk) to stop all movement with my lumber; Yet soon after, I found that a large raft of logs was taken off, several days after Flagg admitted he had received the order.

He (Flagg) also expressed suprize, and said it was in violation of his orders: but doubted the day of removal, but if the fact were proved, he would stop the raft, by military force if needed. In a day or two, I sent Capt Flagg the affidavit of a respectable man, living on the shore, who proved the day of removal to be several days after Flagg's receipt of Brown's order. He kept it several days, and then wrote me a rude and short note, that he would hold no communication with me, on the subject, except through his official superiors. In the meantime the raft had been taken to a sawmill in Portsmouth, and the delay was, no doubt, to get it sawed and removed, when the mask was thrown off. I leave you, Sir, to judge whether this conduct does not show collusion between Capt Flagg and the holder of the lumber, one Daniels,
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