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Chesterfield Court Ho: Jany: 18th 1866

To Major. Genl Terry Commanding the Dept: of Va

We the undersigned asst. Agents of the Freedsman Bureau for the County of Chesterfield in the state aforesaid beg leave most respectfully to state that the Circuit and County Court Offices in this County were separated in May 1852 that the Circuit Court Office of which is now in the Court House has been occupied by the Clerks of the Circuit Court from that date up to the present. that Lt: Col James W. Powell who assumed command of this place on Monday the 15th int: as Agent of the Freedman Bureau & Prost. Marshall of said County claims the right to use and occupy the said Circuit Court Clerk's Office as an Office and room for himself which no other provost Marshal or agent of the Freedsman Bureau has ever attempted to do since the Evacuation [[strikethrough]] since [[/strikethrough]] the 3rd day of April 1865 and we do further certify that the papers in the said Office [[strikethrough]] is [/strikethrough]] are of the utmost importance to the citizens of the County aforesaid & particularly to widows & orphans & that there is no other room in the said Co. Ho. or belonging to the said County where the papers can be safely kept and we do further certify that there [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] are six rooms in the said C.H. & the smallest of the six is occupied by the clerk of the Cir. Ct.  

Respectfully submitted
A E Cogbill }
Wm Benj. Chalkley }
Agents of the Freedman's Bureau

Transcription Notes:
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