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of this court is also County Clerk and has an adjoining building for his office and records of the County, but refuses to allow me on my demand the use of the room referred to. I even tendered assistance in moving the papers to a room upstairs of equal security and access. 
Unless this room is procured, or a room hired at probably heavy expense, it will be impossible to conduct the business of the Bureau with any degree of success or facility. The "Freedmen's Court" would also be held in this room. The expenses of heating the Court room would be too heavy to allow of its use.
Respectfully requesting instructions in the matter, by bearer if practicable. 

I am, Capt. Very Respt
Yr Obt Svt
(Sgd) Jason Powell
Capt 10th VRC & Bvt Lt Cl US Vols
Asst Supt