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8 (2) so, and I am not sure whether or not he intends to let them go to any outside of his own particular circle. I think it is possibly the greatest of all his lithographs, and I am perfectly sure that no other artist has ever approached it in lithography. As you know, I have already paid Whistler for the paintings in oil, pastel, and water colors, but whatever etching or lithographs he may have for me of course have not been paid for, and you can pay him if you will, or else you may bring the prints with you and I will send him draft immediately after your return. The good results of McKinley’s election are beginning to manifest themselves. We have two or three things nibbling including a direct invitation from Mr. Greene for bid on 1,000 Baltimore & Ohio box cars. Material of all kinds is somewhat higher than before election and we shall doubtless have a fair winter’s work. We shall declare a dividend of one per cent payable the latter part of this month, and our common stock is up to about 14 and the preferred fluctuating between 58 and 60. The Wisconsin Central deal came up again about ten days ago, and Mr. Whitcomb finally bought 1,000 box cars. We went as far in terms and price as deemed possible but got thrown down. As mentioned in my previous letter, I trust you will not hurry home on account of business. Get all the physical good you can while the opportunity offers. With personal regards in which all join, I remain, Yours very truly, Charles L. Freer Will attend to [[your?]] [[Bagshare?]] Commission with pleasure. He is up in porcelains so will send him a fine piece of pottery. C.L.F.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 13:20:07