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Jan. 23/97.

Dear Sir:

A tall slender young man with light complexion and curly hair, who gives his name as Walter Wheeler, has applied to me for a position as butler and valet, stating that he was in your service first as footman for one year and then as butler for two years, and that he left of his own accord and started for America some eight months ago with the intention of farming in Canada, but the opportunities proved very different from his anticipations and he abandoned his scheme and came to this city. He claims to perfectly understand the duties of butler and valet and states that he is both honest and sober. He also claims you had no fault to find with him and that you said to him he might re-enter your service should he return to England. The young man seems to be in pretty hard lines and very anxious to obtain steady employment, and I have said to him that I would write you and that if you confirmed his statements I would give him a trial.

I am sorry to cause you any trouble but hope you will favor me with a reply to the above inquiries. May I ask you to cable me at my expense on receipt hereof? My cable address is Freer, Detroit Michigan. The one word "Yes" will be understood by me as confirmation of Wheeler's statements. "No" will convey the opposite meaning. Should you prefer to write, I will appreciate very much the receipt of a letter at your early convenience.

Thanking you in advance, I remain, dear sir,

Yours very respectfully,
Charles L Freer

Sir William B. Dalby
18 Savile Row,
London, W., Eng.

Transcription Notes:
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