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Feb. 4/97.


Mr. J. N. Kennedy,
C/o Auditor's Office, Brooklyn Elevated R.R. Co.,
31 Sands St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dear Sir:

Earlier[[?]] reply to your letter of Jan 15. prevented by absence from home and pressure of other matters.

Your father I have known since I was a boy, and my respect and admiration for him have continued from our early friendship. I need not say to you that I am glad to know you have branched out for yourself and succeeded in your business career so well. As you say, the chances for advancement are necessarily limited in the Department to which you are attached, and during periods of dullness like the cue through which we are now passing promotions are affairs of slow growth. It is my good fortune to have a rather large circle of business acquaintances, and it will afford me much pleasure indeed to bear you in mind in connection with any vacancy of importance that may come to my knowledge.

I wish you would favor me with additional details concerning year age, health, and ambitions. Is it your desire to continue at office work, or do you prefer an outside position? I write for these particulars, not because I at present I have any special position in mind but merely that I may have a better understanding of your fitness and wishes in case of my learning of positions to be filled.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

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