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Feb. 22/97.

Mr. John B. Peabody,
183 Marlborough St.,
Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir,

Your telegram of last Saturday reading: "Should you add to your kind [[loan?]] your new Whistler, it would be much appreciated. Have written", was received too late in the afternoon to consult with Col. Hecker, who is the owner of the Whistler referred to, "The [[?]] Room". I fancy my name is connected with this picture because I had the pleasure of purchasing it for Col. Hecker. He however is its real owner, and after having told him about the excellence of your coming exhibition, he very cheerfully consented to sending it. Enclosed please find blank properly filled out for [[?]]. I telegraphed you this morning as follows:

"Col. Hecker, owner of the new Whistler, is agreeable. The picture will go with mine. Have written."

I appreciate very much your kind invitation to visit your exhibition and you can rest ensured that if possible I shall be most Happy to do so.

Wishing you every success, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles Lang Freer

P.S. Pardon type-written letter but a pressure of other matters compels me to use dictation.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-18 16:13:13