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Feb. 26/97

Dear Mansfield.

I regret that a combination of social functions in connection with the departure of Gen. Alger and the marriage of Miss Leopard, together with more or less illness on my part, has made it impossible to tell you earlier of the great pleasure you gave me when last in New York. Your treasures came forth in such quantities and your friends were so agreeable, I did not realize the lateness of the hour until I reached my hotel. Another time when visiting yourself and Mrs. Mansfield and your Japanese art I shall feel almost inclined to carry a sleep clock for your own protection. As I look backward and remember the many delightful evenings I have had the pleasure of spending with you, I can recall few if any more charming than the last, and a number of your Japanese paintings which I had not seen before have certainly left a delightful and indelible impression on my mind. 

Mr. Morse seems to be a very good fellow and a very enthusiastic admirer of Japanese painting. What a good time he will have during the coming summer! Fancy six or eight months at the fountain head! When parting he said to me that he would try to come to Detroit for a day before starting for Japan, and I trust he will find it convenient to do so, as it would afford me much pleasure indeed to give him information concerning certain routes and [[?]]le treasures which he might find it difficult to obtain elsewhere,
With most cordial greetings to Mrs. Mansfield and yourself, I remain
Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L Freer

Mr. Howard Mansfield
35 Wall St.
New York

Transcription Notes:
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