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March 8/97


My Dear Wilson:

Referring to our telephonic conversation of today, I am enclosing you herewith copy of letter received this morning from Mr. Merrill, which is for your personal informing. Please read and destroy.

The fact is we have gotten to the point where it is necessary for us either to abandon the steel car for the present or else make rapid progress. I am glad to know from your talk of this morning that you intend to give some part of the work rigorous attention. Col. Hecker thinks we should build no more than five cars at present, and I understand from you that Juliet is already proceeding with all the pressed steel parts except side sills and that those you will furnish from Pittsburgh. Will you not advise Col. Hecker promptly as possible just what parts you propose to furnish, so that we can prepare plans and have everything in readiness to take up the construction of the cars sharply the day the material reaches us. 

I expect to be in New York ere long and I will then make it a point to call upon Mr Merrill and emphasize what I have said to him to-day, viz., that we hope to build the first five cars within six weeks, that after they are built we want him to come to Detroit and see them, that afterwards we would like them to go to his Ohio Division for practical testing, and that he shall have the first [[call?]] for the output of our appliances for building steel cars when they are in operation.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Mr. W. M. Wilson
909 Havemeyer Building,
New York.

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