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March 8/97.

My dear White:

I have your note of the 3rd inst. and am glad to say that Col. Hecker has given me a chance to enjoy your design for his mausoleum. Let me congratulate you upon the beauty of your plan. I think it very appropriate and the most handsome thing of the kind I have seen. The Colonel and his family are delighted, and he is writing you to-day on the subject. I am glad that he has decided to go ahead with it, and am particularly proud that our city is to contain so characteristic an example of your work.
With personal regards and thanking you sincerely for the attention you have given this matter for my friend, Col. Hecker I remain,

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer

Mr. Stanford White,
c/o McKim, Mead & White,
360 Fifth Ave, New York