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March 23/97.

Dear Mr. Ault,

I am just home from a two week's journey in the south and find your courteous note of the 14th inst.
First, let me regret that I was not in Detroit during your visit here last week. Come again another time, when I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you. I am quite recovered from my illness, and I think when you are next in town it will be possible for us to enjoy a fair mixture of "Scotch", Lithla, and Tryon.
As to the honorary membership n the Society of Western Artists, I feel flattered beyond my deserts. How fortunate it is to be unknown! I remember distinctly eight years ago being elected in the membership of a club in which I am sure not more than two men knew me. Since then I have been present at a great many meetings when new members were voted upon, and I have found that the only possibility of a man getting into the club was through ignorance of the members concerning the man, and as I have gone into the Society of Western Artists through the same door, I had better accept the election now because, should I decline and later on repent and if inquiry were made concerning me, the jig would be up. 

Sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer

Mr. Charles H. Ault,
1285 Cedar Ave., 
Cleveland, O.