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kindly favor me with your decision. 
I am rushing off the letter to you to-day because I am leaving town to-night, shall be here again on Saturday next, and shall be away practically all of next week. During these short intervals at home you can quite understand how busy I am and fully appreciate the necessities which lead me to use dictation in my correspondence. 
I suppose you have long since concluded that that book of yours containing your article on wood engraving has gone to its long home, but in this you are quite wrong. It is safely at my home, but as I am at my office to-day its return to you must be delayed until week after next, when I shall send it send it along. I have endorsed it greatly and hope you have not been too lonesome without it. 

With every good wish, 

Yours faithfully, 
Charles L Freer

Mr. Elbridge Kingsley
Hadley, Mass.

Transcription Notes:
Elbridge Kingsley ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 15:41:10