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March 29/97

Messers Yumemaka & Co.,
20 West 27 St., New York.


The purchases made during my last trip to New York have all been received, and I take great pleasure in inclosing herewith draft on New York for $277.00 in settlement of account. Please receipt and return voucher at your early convenience.
I notice that you invoice Ten Bowl No. 1988 as being by Genpin. Have you authority for supposing it was made by Genpin? I have compared it with another bowl which was made by Gorohichi, and they resemble each other so closely in all respects I am inclined to think Gorohichi must have made the bowl you sent me. If you can give me any definite information concerning the matter, I will appreciate it very much.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes: