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that if you engaged a guide who is not a member of the association and happened to be at [[?]] temple when a member of the association were there, [[?]] would be nine in ten that his influence [[?]] the priest would be [[?]] enough to keep you from seeing the most interesting things
[[?]] temple.
From Yokohama don't fail to go to Kamakura and Inashima. The former was the capital of Japan [[?]] centuries ago and is now a mere hamlet, but the great [[?]] Daibutan is here. Enoshima is a island and a very charming place to spend a night. Should you visit the places I have mentioned, remember you need never be lonesome because if you wish amusement, you can have dancing and music with your dinner every night, and you will find hospitality,
[[?]] and beauty everywhere.
I must add that Myonashita is nicely located in the hills and the baths and hotel are good, and if you find the summer heat disagreeable, run up there for a few days and go over to Hakone on the lake. And if you enjoy a good day's tramp, continue on through Hakone, over the Ten Province Pass, and down to Atami on the sea where you will find a charming little hotel and more good bathing. Don't return over the pass but continue by jinriksha through Atami along the coast until you strike the Takaido [[R'y]]. Remember also that [[Shanaka?]] is an interesting place. It is on the Takaido R'y and a day's trip from there to Okitsu on the Sea will be a good day's fun, will take you to a great temple, and will give you the most interesting views of the coast and of the sacred mountain. The view of Fujiyama from [[?]] is famous.
I trust you do not object to promiscuous bathing. If you do however, for me suggest that you give positive instructions to your guide to see to it that you have fresh baths prepared and insist upon this point. If you fail in this respect, in interior places

Transcription Notes:
Many [[?]]s because illegible ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 14:03:49