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March 30/97.

My dear Mansfield:

A friend of mine, Mr. John B. Dyar of this city, has secured a charter for building an electric railway from Detroit to Port Huron.  The scheme seems to be considered very well by Detroit people, and he starts for New York in a day or two with the hope of securing the necessary financial backing to enable him to proceed at once with the construction of his railway.  He has asked me for letters of introduction to New York people, and I have given him a letter to George Coppell of Maitland, Coppell & Co. and to  Mr. Geo R. Turnbull of the Guaranty Trust Co. I  have also taken the liberty of giving him a letter of introduction to you with the thought that you might be interested in looking over his plans, and if they met with your approval, you might find it worth your while to introduce him to some of your banker clients.
After acquainting yourself with the facts in the case, if you deem it a scheme in which you had rather not act, don't hesitate to so state to Mr. Dyar. If on the other hand it is attractive to yourself or your friends and should end in an advantageous result, I shall be very pleased to have brought about the introduction.

With personal regards,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Mr. Howard Mansfield, 
35 Wall St., New York.