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March 30/97.

My dear Mr. Coppell: (Personal)

Mr. John G. Dyar, a fellow townsman of mine, has secured a charter for building an electric hallway between Detroit and Port Huron. The enterprise seems to be regarded favorably by some man but personally I know very little about it. Mr. Dyar has asked me for an introduction to New York bankers with the view of securing financial aid necessary for construction of the road. I have taken the liberty of mentioning your name to him and of giving him a letter of introduction to you if you can consistently give Mr. Dyar a hearing when he calls you may find his scheme interesting and profitable. Should you however not care to listen to what he has to say or to take up the matter in a business way, don't hesitate to say so frankly to Mr. Dyar. 
With personal regards, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 
Charles L. Freer

Mr. George Cappell, 
Maitland, Cappell & Co.,
22 & 24 Exchange Place, New York.